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Exercise with Your Pets for Their Wellbeing and Disease Prevention

Exercise with Your Pets for Their Wellbeing and Disease Prevention

Summer invites us to spend more time outdoors with our pets, which is beneficial for both humans and animals. Many pets live indoors, often confined with limited bathroom breaks. For active dogs, this can feel like imprisonment.

It's no surprise that many dogs suffer from anxiety and boredom, leading to destructive chewing and constant barking. Most of these issues can be alleviated by increasing exercise!

Exercise is a significant mental stress reliever for dogs and a way for them to explore the world. Anyone who has walked a dog knows how their nose constantly searches the ground, discovering who has been there and when.

While most dogs can handle a 30-minute walk, it's essential to assess your dog's fitness level and determine how much exercise they can manage. Here are several reasons why exercising with your dog is beneficial:

1. Weight Control and Digestive Health: Exercise promotes weight control and aids digestion. While weight loss is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition, that 20% is crucial to keep your dog fit and trim.

2. Preventing Destructive Behavior and Hyperactivity: Active dogs are less bored and less likely to engage in destructive behaviors like chewing on furniture.

3. Arthritis and Cognitive Dysfunction Prevention: Regular exercise helps prevent or delay arthritis and cognitive dysfunction.

4. Encouraging Socialization: Exercise promotes socialization with other dogs and people, strengthening the bond between you and your pet.

5. Owner Health: Dogs make excellent training partners. Walking the dog is the most basic form of exercise and provides both physical and mental work for the dog.

It's crucial to tailor exercise to your dog's needs. Toy dogs may only handle 5 to 10 minutes of exercise at a time. Breeds with short noses, like Pugs, struggle with heat, while long-haired and Arctic breeds may also have difficulty in warm weather. For some dogs, swimming might be a better option during hot days. Always consult your veterinarian before starting a new exercise program.

Safety Considerations

1. Foot Protection: Depending on the terrain, your dog might need booties. Check their pads for injuries after walking.
2. Weather Precautions: Avoid asphalt in hot weather to prevent blistering.
3. Leash Safety: Use a leash, preferably one that attaches to your body if you're running. Avoid retractable leashes as they can cause injuries.
4. Hydration and Snacks: Bring plenty of water for both you and your pet. If exercising strenuously for 30 minutes or more, your dog will need a snack.
5. Preventive Measures: Use flea/tick and heartworm preventive, mosquito repellent, and sunscreen. Always pick up after your dog.

If you're not a runner but your dog needs to run, consider a treadmill. Dogs can benefit from increased muscle definition, improved tone, and a longer lifespan with regular treadmill sessions. There are various types available for different sizes of dogs.

Alternative Activities

Explore dog sports such as agility, skijoring, swimming, dock diving, biking, hiking, and doga (dog yoga). Don't miss the fun of exercising with your pet this summer. Including your four-legged friend in your wellness routine is a vital step towards preventing common pet ailments!

Challenge your family to involve pets in fun activities. For instance, train a Golden Labrador Retriever puppy in the swimming pool to jump and dive underwater to retrieve a shell. Active games with family pets, especially popular companion breeds, can be enjoyable for everyone.